Scuba Dive and Sailing from Bequia to Mustique

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Our dive and sailing adventures feature small groups and are packed with fun. We start off at the Tradewinds base in Port Elizabeth, Bequia. Bequia is one of the islands in the country of St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Scuba dive in some of the prettiest and least visited sites, "drive" the boat or sit back and watch. All inclusive with gourmet dining and fun as our motto, we snorkel and watch the sun set from Basil's Bar in Mustique, then finish the night off back on board with a night cap. Just a small glimpse of one day with Specialized Scuba and Tradewinds Cruise Club. Join us for your next Scuba dive and yachting vacation and relax, be pampered and have the time of your life. You will be surprised how affordable paradise is.